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Moiré Supports Live Theatre

August 1, 2014

One art form I enjoy almost above all others is that of the live theater. I find particular joy in watching those talented thespians bring to life the words of playwrights past and present. A good piece of theater can bring you to the edge of your seat, make you laugh so hard you cry, give you goosebumps and also great joy. Even more than that, however, it can open your eyes to something you might not have thought about […]

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Tech Table
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

July 29, 2014

Justin: Welcome to MPA’s Tech Table. I’m Justin. Diana: And I’m Diana. Justin: And we’re your hosts. We’ll be serving up a heaping spoonful of all things tech. Diana: We promise it’ll be easy to digest. Diana: Alright, it is Tuesday, Justin. Justin: It’s Tuesday on the Tech Table, which means we talk about tech on the Tech Table on Tuesday. Diana: Tech Tips on Tuesday. Justin: That’s right. So, today we’re gonna be talking about something we’ve talked about […]

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Tech Table
Monday, July 28, 2014

July 28, 2014

Justin: Welcome to MPA’s Tech Table. I’m Justin. Diana: And I’m Diana. Justin: And we’re your hosts. We’ll be serving up a heaping spoonful of all things tech. Diana: We promise it’ll be easy to digest. Justin: Well that really caught me by surprise, it’s fun day. Diana: [LAUGHS] Yes, yes, I wasn’t quite sure we were rolling yet. Justin: I know. Well, you know, sometimes you just gotta just get up and go. Diana: Just vroom, vroom, huh? Justin: […]

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When Duty Calls & a Dictator Answers

July 25, 2014

Whether you’re a “gamer” or not, you have no doubt heard of the “Call of Duty” gaming franchise. These are those games that have more release hype and anticipation than even the biggest summer blockbuster. What you may not know, however, is that recently a former Panamanian dictator sued the company that makes this game for using his likeness and “defiling” his character. Now, this dictator has retired so I understand that living on a fixed income can be difficult. […]

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Tech Table
Friday, July 25, 2014

July 25, 2014

Justin: Welcome to MPA’s Tech Table. I’m Justin. Diana: And I’m Diana. Justin: And we’re your hosts. We’ll be serving up a heaping spoonful of all things tech. Diana: We promise it’ll be easy to digest. Justin: It’s Friday! Diana: Yes. It. Is. Justin: Today we’re going to talk about Friday favorites, like we always do here on the Tech Table. Diana: Yep, but we do have a little bit of a different twist on it today. Justin: Do we? […]

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Tech Table
Thursday, July 24, 2014

July 24, 2014

Justin: Welcome to MPA’s Tech Table. I’m Justin. Diana: And I’m Diana. Justin: And we’re your hosts. We’ll be serving up a heaping spoonful of all things tech. Diana: We promise it’ll be easy to digest. Well, it is Theme Thursday. Justin: It’s Theme Thursday here on Tech Table. Diana: Where anything goes. Justin: Anything goes, and you know, when we talk about technology, you think about kind of geeky guys. Diana: And gals. Justin: Yeah, that’s true. You know, […]

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Nitro Methane & Kit Kats – Nathan tells us more about what revs his engine

July 24, 2014

Nathan Norton is a tech-guy extraordinaire. One of the quietest among MPA employees (we’re a pretty boisterous bunch over here), I wanted to get to know him a bit better. So, I asked him to star in this month’s Q&A, and he graciously agreed. 1) How long have you been with MPA? I have been employed with MPA since March of 2013, so a little over a year now. 2) What is your role here? Information Technology and Tech Support. Just about […]

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Welcome to Node.js: Part 6 – Updating a Simple Restful Web App

July 23, 2014

It’s nearly impossible to find an image on the theme of “event horizon” on Google that isn’t somehow related to the incredibly scary 90’s movie. I wanted such a pic to represent the unattainable goal of knowing everything there is to know about programming. The more I learn, the more I learn how much more there is to learn. Kind of like life in general, I suppose. Philosophical opining aside, we do have a tidy little goal before us now. Up […]

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Tech Table
Wednesday, July 23, 2014

July 23, 2014

Justin: Welcome to MPA’s Tech Table. I’m Justin. Diana: And I’m Diana. Justin: And we’re your hosts. We’ll be serving up a heaping spoonful of all things tech. Diana: We promise it’ll be easy to digest. Well, hello there on this fine Wednesday. Justin: It’s a fine, fine Wednesday. Today we’re talking about open source software. Diana: Yeah. Justin: What is open source software? Wow. I didn’t even know what open source meant until I started at MPA. Diana: Yeah. […]

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Tech Table
Tuesday, July 22, 2014

July 22, 2014

Justin: Welcome to MPA’s Tech Table. I’m Justin. Diana: And I’m Diana. Justin: And we’re your hosts. We’ll be serving up a heaping spoonful of all things tech. Diana: We promise it’ll be easy to digest. Well, hello, it is Tech Tip Tuesday. Justin: On the Tech Table, yes. So, this is interesting. You have to visualize today, folks, because we are going to talk about, we’re going to talk you through, basically, learning how to print on 3 by […]

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