Ask Moire

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Smartphone for texting?

September 27, 2013

Linda asks: Moire, do you use your smartphone for texting?

Moiré’s answer: Dearest Linda, thanks for your question! My paws make it somewhat difficult for me to text. While I do have an iPhone (I’m hoping for a new yellow 5c but I’m sure I’ll be waiting awhile thanks to our tight-wad, fun hater COO), I use an app called Voice Texting Pro. All I have to do is speak into the microphone and it types my text out for me. Very handy – errr ‘pawy’ – when you don’t have thumbs as such! I’ve spoken to many humans who also use it as an alternative to the highly dangerous and slightly illegal TEXTING WHILE DRIVING. You can find Voice Texting Pro in the app store. It is free and easy to download.

As for our android device-carrying frenemies, there are several voice texting apps available for that platform as well. They include Sonalight Text by Voice,ShoutOut, and Talk-Text to Voice. Most of those get equally stellar reviews, however I like ShoutOut for it’s zippy name!

This is where I would usually talk about Blackberry options, but why bother!? (Yes, our tight-wad, fun hater COO still has his Blackberry from 2007. He’ll probably still be trying to use it even after some Chinese company buys the handset maker!)

Until next time, remember to be safe – if you don’t use a voice texting application, let your pet take the wheel of the car while you send that important message. It really would be safer than the alternative.

Fondest Regards,


Moire The Cat

I am a cat. A cat that has done more, seen more, and been more than most men will ever know. My pedigree is defined by modest lineage but I have risen to be one of the finest. One of the most humble, modest, handsome, intelligent, regal, charming, and cunning felines you may ever meet. I often have 'run-ins' with the MPA tight-wad, fun-hater COO, Justin over such things as spa visits and luxury grooming. Having a cat with the skills I possess is not in-expensive. I don't come with a manual and there is no 'figuring me out'. I write a weekly column called "ASK MOIRE" where my faithful readership gets advice and suggestions for a healthy, more balanced life by sending questions to this email address: MOIRE@ASKMPA.COM

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