Ask Moire

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October 11, 2013

A musing on DEADLINES (and why no one should ever have to meet them, apparently.)  

I should think that a cat as brilliant as myself would be allowed the courtesy of a relaxed deadline here and there, but no – I am kept to a very strict standard as I write these weekly columns. Evidently I have a commitment that must be honored, therefore I have a deadline that helps remind/nudge/push me into meeting that commitment. Hopefully yours truly sets a good example of one who meets a deadline and honors a commitment. Perhaps providing a better example than, say, those at our nation’s capital?

It appears the men and women in leadership of this great land have forgotten what deadlines are for; they seem to ignore them altogether. It is the opinion of this furry feline that the problem is deeper: I believe they have forgotten their commitment. The deadlines imposed upon them, and all of us, are there to ensure that commitments are met. Some people will honor commitments purely out of good will, while others need the gentle nudge of a deadline. Yet there are others, such as our leadership, who seemingly don’t see the need to honor commitments at all.

I remind you…It is the job of ‘leadership’ to ‘lead’. So why is our beautiful nation in such a place as this? Perhaps years and years of failing to honor a core commitment? A commitment to the American way that allows for solid budgeting and good stewardship of funding?

It is not for this kitty to judge. It is, however, for us all to ASK. If they cannot be an example, what will become of our future?

Until next time, my strong and faithful readers, let’s PUSH our leaders to meet their deadlines and honor their commitments.

Fondest Regards,


Moire The Cat

I am a cat. A cat that has done more, seen more, and been more than most men will ever know. My pedigree is defined by modest lineage but I have risen to be one of the finest. One of the most humble, modest, handsome, intelligent, regal, charming, and cunning felines you may ever meet. I often have 'run-ins' with the MPA tight-wad, fun-hater COO, Justin over such things as spa visits and luxury grooming. Having a cat with the skills I possess is not in-expensive. I don't come with a manual and there is no 'figuring me out'. I write a weekly column called "ASK MOIRE" where my faithful readership gets advice and suggestions for a healthy, more balanced life by sending questions to this email address: MOIRE@ASKMPA.COM

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