Q&A Corner

Read what makes Chris Ball such a hip guy

October 24, 2014

If you thought Donnie wears a lot of hats, wait until you read about Mr. Ball – he dons nearly as many. And, psst… he just had a birthday, so make sure to send him something hip!

How long have you been with MPA? Since February 2011.

What is your position and what does that entail? I do a mix of things. Some sales, some website coding, and a bit of research.

What would you say is the most unique project you’ve ever worked on at MPA? Most unique project is tough. But, I’d say the most unique thing that I’ve done for a project is spend a day learning how cheese is made. When we created new branding for Milton Creamery we took an embedded approach. Rufus Musser wanted us to really understand the people and the process, so he invested in sharing with us. It’s paid off. Milton Creamery was certainly a success before MPA worked with the company. But, time and again we’ve heard that work we did for Milton Creamery is helping in selling their product throughout the U.S.

Any hobbies? I like to cook, run (well, slowly shuffle), ride bikes, and cheer for my kids.

Three cheers for Chris!

Diana Hill

Project Manager / Media Specialist - Diana is our Media Specialist by day, then a performer and music teacher by night. She brings to MPA a deep passion for creativity, and a near-insanity level of organization. Diana attended Indian Hills College and Truman State University, the latter from which she holds a B.A. in Music and an M.A. in Vocal Performance. She loves her family & friends, digs historic preservation, and just appreciates life in general. Being bored is never a problem, and she hasn't quite figured out how to do something “half-way.”

  1. David Birchmier

    Cheers, Chris!

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